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I'm fundraising for Lifeline Australia!

Tragically, every year over 65,000 Australians attempt to take their own life and over 3,000 Australians die by suicide.

In February, I will be taking part in Paddle Across The Bay.

I'm paddling to raise funds for Lifeline who are experiencing more calls than ever before. Every 30 seconds, a person in Australia reaches out to Lifeline for help.

Please support my paddle and sponsor me to provide suicide prevention services and help to those in crisis.

Together, we can ensure that no one has to face their darkest moments alone.

Thank you!

My Updates

We all need someone to talk to!

Friday 16th Feb
Sometimes life sends you curve balls, sadly not everyone has someone they can talk to, Lifeline provides a service for people to share their feelings hopefully providing some comfort when times get tough. You are not alone - where there is a Lifeline there is hope.  
I'm looking forward to helping out and being with a whole bunch of people working towards the same.goal. 
Let's go paddle! 

Thank you to my Sponsors


John Bakker


Kathy Oh

Go go Gigliola! What a great cause! Xxxx


Sylvia Van Den Eeden

Have fun paddling



Have fun paddling!


Eleanor Hughes

Great stuff! Hope you enjoy for a great cause


Mary Clarke


Yvonne Van Den Eeden

Enjoy your paddle


Christine Delogu

Brava G!! Xx


Rikki Parkinson




Millie Clarke